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Paisajes Extraordinarios en un solo País Ecuador

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2020


 When we were looking for unique and really transforming travel experiences in our lives, we decided as a family to visit Sangay Park but mainly El Altar Volcano, since, we had heard that there are colorful lakes, so we decided to go. We left the next day at 3 am in which we drove 60 minutes to the parish of Quimiag, when we arrived we had to walk the remaining way, during the trajectory we saw several animals like rabbits, deer, butterflies and birds.

At 7 in the morning after traveling 10 km we were able to reach the shores of a lagoon, where we had breakfast what each one of us took with us, well we visited some lagoons that had different colors and their waters were crystalline, we also saw snow in some areas.

Finally, we returned at 6pm to the area where the cars stayed.  It was a very nice experience to visit El Altar Volcano since it is very clean and has unique places, but above all I loved spending time with my family and sharing that unique experience. 

Written by Lizbeth Guarco